Doktor Doom Formula 420 Flower Power

$49.95 CAD

1 Liter Concentrate

Fantastic Spider Mite & Thrip Killer-kills adults and eggs. Use indoors-outdoors, in greenhouses on house plants and edible plants.

Great value 1 Liter Concentrate makes 50 liters.


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  • Check Mark Minimum 1-year warranty on all products
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  • Doktor Doom Formula 420 Flower Power Insect Killer Concentrate:  will control all stages of aphids, spider mites and whitefly, spittle bugs, adult and nymph stages of thrips, flea beetles, caterpillars, mealybugs, scale insects and sugar ants.
  • Outdoors, indoors on houseplants and in greenhouses.
  • For use on flowering plants such as fuchsia and rose. Woody ornamental bushes and trees, herbs, houseplants, apple and other fruit trees.
  • Vegetables: celery, tomatoes, peppers, peas, lettuce, potatoes. Cucumber and related vine products. Radishes, onions, asparagus, beans, cabbage and related plants, and squash. Concentrate 1 Liter makes 50 Liters-incredible value.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 24 × 12 × 7 cm