AC Infinity 6inch Carbon Filter

$92.15 USD

  • Designed to eliminate odors and chemicals for grow tents and hydroponics room.
  • Features premium-grade Australian charcoal with higher adsorption and longer life rating.
  • Contains heavy-duty aluminum flanges, galvanized steel meshing, and clothed pre-filter.
  • Enables maximum airflow passthrough for both intake and exhaust configurations.
  • Duct Opening: 6” | Length: 16″ | Airflow Rating: 410 CFM | Carbon: Australian RC412 at 1200+ IAV | Thickness: 38mm






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AC Infinity 6inch Carbon Filter

The AC Infinity 6inch Carbon Filter is designed to eliminate odors and chemicals. Popularly used for hydroponics, grow rooms, kitchens, smoking areas, and other ventilation projects. Features premium-grade Australian Virgin charcoal bed. The filter should be used in conjunction with an inline duct fan to act as either intake or exhaust. Heavy-duty construction contains aluminum flanges and dual-sided galvanized steel mesh. The flanges can also be reversed to prolong the life of the filter. Includes a machine washable pre-filter cloth to prevent carbon residue.


Each Filter features premium-grade Australian Virgin charcoal bed rated at 1200+ IAV. It achieves a 38mm charcoal bed thickness and wider mesh openings thanks to a higher micro porosity and surface area rating. This combination not only enables a higher adsorption rate without restricting free airflow, it allows the carbon filter to last up to 33% longer.


Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Dimensions 44 × 28 × 28 cm

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